To deal with record breaking cold, inexperienced Floridians are driving up the workload on their electric heaters. On the news, they were explaining that not only is this expensive but it is causing rolling brown outs. They then cut to an exterior shot of a house lit up with enough Christmas lights to land a 747. Idiots.
So here's an idea. Until this cold snap moves on, let's cut down on the nonessentials. I'm pretty sure you can live without your giant inflatable dancing Santa if it means the family down the street doesn't all have to huddle together for warmth. I will not be plugging in my tree, lighted garland, or even the digital picture frame. I live on the 3rd floor of my building so I can take advantage of heat rising from the apartments below. The average temp in the house is 70, but my thermostat is set to 65. Yeah I can't wander around in the nude but at least I know our heater won't burn out and leave us wearing motorcycle leathers to bed. The sun never really hits our side of the building so I'm keeping my heavy drapes closed to block out cold. Normally we don't latch the door to our patio so the cats can open the door to go in and out. Unfortunately the wind has been doing the same so now the door is closed. Though it is pretty funny to watch them run headlong right into the door and stumble away dazed and confused.
These are merely examples. Just hope it inspires you to take a moment and look around to decide what doesn't need to be plugged in. I know it's less cheery and that dark tree doesn't quite herald in the Christmas cheer but every little bit helps. Give back to the power grid and we can all sleep a little snugger. Of course you can flip on the lights when your holiday revelers arrive, but you're not having a party every night.
At least I hope not...
And if you are, where's my invite?